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Omega,. D-3 Autofocus. D•5 System Enlargers. & Lamphouses. INSTRUCTION MANUAL *Use manual focus knob to focus sharply on white paper. MANUAL. FOCUSING. ENLARGER. MANUFACTURED BY: Berkey Technical Corp. Patents Pending d. Remove aluminum spacer from inside condenser housing. A catalogue of the Omega instruction manuals and user guides available from KHB Photografix. Omega D-3 Autofocus & D-5 Enlargers Manual. Simple basic instructions for alignment of Simmon Omega enlargers and Specific alignment procedures for D-3, D-3V, D-4, B-7, B-8, 8-9, 8-10, E-5, A-2, New revised Instruction Manual for Omega D-2 and D2-XL Enlargers. Includes parts diagrams and parts lists. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Omega Chromega D-5 / D5-XL Enlarger Instruction & Parts Manual at the best online prices at
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