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Return to Advanced Manuals. Storytelling. A good story enhances your speech and makes it memorable. To create a new story that offers a lesson or moral. Close the speech with a humorous story. Time: Five to seven minutes. Project 5: The Humorous Speech. Objectives: • Use exaggeration to tell a humorous story.Storytelling -- Advanced Communication Manual. A good story enhances your speech and makes it memorable. This manual offers instruction in telling folk tales, Each of the Advanced Manuals assumes that you already know the basics of (function chairman, toastmaster, master of ceremonies). Resources > The Advanced Manuals > . Advanced Manual Details: Storytelling. Order it from Toastmasters International as Item #226K. The Folk Tale. This manual offers instruction in telling folk tales, personal stories, stories with morals, Part of the Advanced Communication Series. ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SERIES. STORYTELLING. 1. Assignment #1: THE FOLK TALE. Objectives. • To tell a folk tale that is entertaining and enjoyable for a Toastmasters (Advanced Manual) STORYTELLING Assignment #1: THE FOLK TALE in one of the buddhist folk tales I cam across the story of The Monkey King! ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SERIES. Humorously Speaking. Catalog No. Prepare a closing story that reemphasizes the speech's main point.
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